Jan 9, 2015

Dec '14 Horror Block Review

For Christmas I signed my husband up for Horror Block, right? Paid $82 for this sucker including shipping, and that's only for 3 months! So I paid early/mid Dec, and it said it would be shipping out like the 22nd. So nothing for quite awhile. Now it finally arrived here on 1/7! It took that long!

Okay so now by this time I was already agitated because they offered a coupon code for new subscriptions, but it wouldn't work so the facebook mods told me to email the billing dept, which I did. They said that the coupon ONLY applied to certain subscriptions (which it did NOT say on the ad), so I called them out for false advertisement.

At this point they stopped responding to me, even when I asked if they could supply me with a tracking number. Nothing. No response.

After these 3 months are up I will NOT renew, and I will not suggest Horror Block to anyone I know.

So let's get started with what he got in his December block (that he didn't get until January).

At least the box is cute.


Okay so they said it would include something to help you survive in the zombie apocalypse....
 Apparently hand sanitizer falls into that category.

This is a little maggot eye skeleton toy, you squeeze the head and his eyes bulge out and have nasty little maggots in them. It's cute, but cheap.

It came with a Poltergeist mouse pad. Decent, but we're not Poltergeist fans. Looks like my Dad is getting a mouse pad as one of his Birthday gifts, ha!

Okay so it wasn't ALL bad, we got this Wolf Man POP! Funko figure to add to our collection, so I was happy about that!

The Overlook Hotel shirt from The Shining is pretty kick ass, I like the Shining!

 Ghostbusters edition of Rue Morgue was perfect for my husband, so he's very excited to read through this! I can't wait to take a peek myself!

So that's it! Without shipping that's about $30 a month. Personally I don't think it's worth it. Yeah financially it is, because the items add up to equal more than $30, but it's not really stuff that pertains to us, if you know what I mean? I wish there was more variety from person to person, like Ipsy bags so you can trade out what you don't care for.
Over all, Doug rates it a 6. Let's hope next month is better!

Thanks for tuning in!


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