Jan 6, 2015

9 Things I love, and 9 things I hate

Honestly I have no idea what I should be writing about today. It was actually my day off with NOTHING to do! So I didn't do my hair or my makeup, or do anything except lounge around.
It was amazing.

So to fill time until I post my Chicken wing dip tomorrow, I'm just going to do this 9 things I love and 9 things I hate list!

For future reference, please comment what you'd like to see me post about in my off days like today!

Okay so let's get started!

9 Things I love:

Yeah, I gotta pretty darn cute family.
1. First thing's first- obviously my family! I love them! PS. Chris Sarandon is not my family, but we had a family photo with him, because we're an awesome family!

2. Harley Quinn. Both of them! I love Harley Quinn from the Batman: Animated Series, and the Arkham games, AND I love my daughter, who we named Harley Quinn because of my obsession

3. Pin Up. I love love love retro, rockabilly style pin up! I'm wanting to start getting into a little bit of modeling, so I have a Model Mayhem site, so hopefully that goes somewhere. But I love all of it! The classiness, the hair, the makeup, the clothes, music, etc! Even the poses I love!

4. Pepsi. aka: caramel colored gold. I just love it so much, the perfect amount of fizz, the yummy taste of magic, and the beautiful smell. Honestly if I could drink nothing but Pepsi, I would. No diet though, eff that crap.

This show highlights that even people who don't look "normal" can be nice, and sometimes it's the plain looking people who can be the real monsters!
 5. The Munsters. My husband and I love this freaking show! Actually, in just about a month he's getting Herman tattooed on his leg and I'm getting Lily on my leg too! <3

6. Pure Romance. I love my job! With Pure Romance I am a sexual health educator, and I sell relationship enhancement products. This helps me to earn an awesome income, while being able to stay home more with my daughter, and also meet some fantastic ladies!

Nomm Nomm Nomm
7. Pizza. Pizza is amazing. Stuffed crust pizza is even better. Sadly this is not my tattoo, although if it were, it certainly wouldn't have mushrooms on it. That shit is nasty.

 8. Horror movies. Who doesn't love horror movies? Even my daughter's favorite movie is Nightmare Before Christmas, and she laughs at the zombies on The Walking Dead (she's 16 months). She went to her first horror convention at 3 weeks old (we go every year).

9. Video Games. Specifically Xbox 360. Borderlands is an amazing game, and I'm not even a FPS fan, but Borderlands is my exception. I love so many games, but to name a few; Fable games, Left 4 Dead (when people actually played), Injustice, the Arkham games, Rockband games, Devil May Cry (especially 3), etc.

Now For Things I Hate:

1. This Hate List. I hate everything from this point on, so naturally I hate this list, and the photos I had to shiver my way through to get. 

2. Sony. After going through 4 different PS2s in a year, and watching my friends PS3 take multiple craps, I say PS products in my house!

Love One Another
3. Body Shaming. Fat, skinny, tall, short, etc. Who cares? Love who you are and love others around you. Women help each other up, girls push each other down. Stop shaming another size to make you feel better about your own. Be happy in your skin.

4. Twilight. Okay so I worked at Spencers when this first came out, so hearing swarms of 10 year old girls saying that they want Edward's babies just kind of ruined it for me. Also real vampires suck blood- not dick.

Stop saying "Don't think about it, it will happen when it happens." Because that doesn't help.
5. Infertility. Okay so I can personally attest for the super suckiness of this disease. Infertility killed me for almost 3 years. Many tests and unsuccessful procedures later, I tried acupuncture and within a month and a half of that we finally got our positive!

Yesh. It's true.
6. Sean Connery. Well... not so much Sean Connery himself, mainly just his voice. It just gets to me.

7. People chewing on their clothes. Okay I can't really explain this one, but just stop friggin doing it. Stop it. It gives me shivers. Grab a damn snickers if you're that hungry.

I want to vomit right now.

8. Maggots. Nope. This is the Nopiest of all Nopes from Hell Nopeia. Nope. Nope nope. Nope.

9. This thing. Some people call it a cat? WTF ever. This this is a used condom in the shape of a large rat. 

There's that post- thanks for tuning in! Please don't forget to subscribe, comment, and share!


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